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Medical School Rankings: Top 10 Medical Schools and Best Medical Colleges Ranked

Below is a list of the best medical schools as ranked by Ulinks.com. Several factors are used to determine the top medical schools, including reputation, acceptance rate, average MCAT scores, number of research grants awarded, and many others. One of the advantages of attending a highly rated medical school is it will increase your chances of getting accepted to the residency of your choice. Another consideration that will help you determine which medical schools are the best choice for you is whether you are more interested in research or primary care practice. Typically a school will have a better reputation for one than for the other.
  1. Harvard University
  2. University of Pennsylvania
  3. University of California - San Francisco
  4. Johns Hopkins
  5. Washington University in St. Louis
  6. University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
  7. Duke University
  8. University of Washington
  9. Yale University
  10. Columbia University
  11. University of California - Los Angeles
  12. Stanford University
  13. University of Pittsburgh
  14. University of Chicago
  15. Vanderbilt University


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