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Alternative Medicine Courses, Degrees and Schools

Individuals interested in massage therapy, chiropractic, acupuncture, healing arts and other types of alternative medicine can receive specialized training at an alternative medicine school. These schools provide holistic degree programs and professional training in a variety of fields, allowing graduates to pursue rewarding careers as a naturopathic doctor, healer, massage therapist, acupuncturist or other natural health practitioner. Alternative medicine education can be completed in a campus setting or online, and many schools offer flexible schedules and classes for students who may want to work while taking classes or simply take courses on a part-time basis.

What to Expect at Alternative Medicine School

These schools typically offer degree programs and certification in a number of areas in natural health. Degree programs are usually a progressive and integrative educational program where students can apply their skills and knowledge in a variety of 'mock' settings or trials. The schools provide training in a number of modalities and treatment methods with a strong focus on mind and body medicine. Students typically take classes in nutrition, acupuncture, body manipulation and homeopathic medicine.

Alternative Medicine Education Programs

These schools offer a number of programs and training in various disciplines, giving students a chance to learn from in-classroom instruction and hands-on training. An alternative medicine school may be affiliated with a naturopathic medical center or alternative health center in the local area, giving students the opportunity to gain practical skills in their field and receive one-on-one training by professional instructors and natural health practitioners.

Education programs may focus strictly on becoming a practitioner in a particular modality, or for preparing students to become instructors or researchers in the field. Research departments may require students to gain a significant amount of experience in their field before collaborating with academic and medical researchers at a research institute. Students who wish to teach within their field will need to obtain advanced training in their field and take additional classes in teaching and education.

Classes and Courses Available at Alternative Medicine Schools

Many schools allow students to specialize in a certain modality or field as soon as they enroll in their training program as the field is relatively diverse in scope. Some of the most common classes and courses available include:

  • Holistic Health
  • Massage Therapy
  • Oriental Bodywork
  • Herbal Medicine
  • Yoga Instruction
  • Complementary Medicine
  • Healing Arts
  • Acupuncture
  • Raw Foodism
  • Ayurveda

Candidates may choose to complete certification in any of the above subjects, or obtain a Bachelor of Science or Master of Science degree. Degree programs typically offer a more comprehensive education that combine both western medicine and non-traditional eastern medicinal practices. Some alternative medicine schools may also offer doctoral programs, and these are most suitable for students who wish to open up their own practice or increase their knowledge and skills in the field of holistic medicine.

Alternative Medicine Schools Online

Students who need a flexible schedule or want to take courses on a part-time basis have the option to enroll in alternative medicine schools online. These educational programs make use of web-based platforms to deliver lectures, tutorials and live discussions, and can be just as valuable and informative as a campus-based program. Online schools may require students to complete a hands-on component at a nearby school or medical center so that students can get the experience they need to enter their field as a professional.

Career Options After Alternative Medicine Education

Alternative medicine jobs and complementary medicine careers can be very rewarding, allowing practitioners to treat a number of ailments without drugs or prescription medication. Career paths and positions may include:

  • Chiropractor
  • Acupuncturist
  • Yoga Instructor
  • Massage Therapist
  • Aromatherapy Consultant
  • Herbalist
  • Ayurvedic Practitioner

Employment Prospects and Job Opportunities After Alternative Medicine School

Schools provide a solid foundation for a successful career in naturopathy, the healing arts and alternative medicine, and students can begin searching for a career as early as their junior or senior year. Many schools offer internship and work-study programs so that students can find a suitable employer immediately after graduation. However, many graduates move on to explore job options on their own or open their own health center or healing practice.

Complementary medicine and alternative health practitioners may pursue a number of careers in the field, but demand for acupuncturists and chiropractors continues to remain steady as more people search for ways to improve their health outside of conventional medicine. The Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Handbook reports that the salary range for acupuncturists is $51,838 - $88,003 and the salary range for chiropractors is $42,876 - $78,866. Both of these fields require state-issued licenses in order to practice, and training requirements vary by job and position. Other jobs in the field may not require formal certification from the State, but the alternative medicine school may award a diploma or certificate after an individual completes their training program.

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